Packed Mel Olson Stadium

Partner with the Fish Sticks

Partnering with the DubSea Fish Sticks

The DubSea Fish Sticks partner with a number of different small, medium and large companies helping bring their brands to life in fun and creative ways.

The Fish Sticks’ pride themselves on creating fun and memorable sponsorship activations to promote their partners’ brands.  

Why Should You Partner with the Fish Sticks?

  • Fun – You’re not here to just put up a logo and cut a check. Fish Sticks’ games are about having fun and your partnership is no different.
  • Creative – It’s time to create something fun, and memorable. Creative activations create something our fans and your customers will never forget.
  • 100% Customizable – We work with companies of all sizes. Our goal is to create activations that stand out from the rest.
  • ROI Positive – Our goal is to make
  • Partnership vs Sponsorship – We’re looking to build long lasting relationships with our partners that grow and evolve over time. We’re not looking for a one time sponsorship check and putting a logo somewhere. We’re looking to combine amazing brands turning our fans into your customers and your customers into our fans.

Partner With Us: